Naturisten Lehrpfad
Naturist Trail
Sentier naturiste
Ruta naturista
Sentiero naturista
1. Step:
Why clothing at all?
There are good reasons to wear clothing, e.g. to protect your body from the cold, too much sun and from injuries or for purely hygienic reasons.
Indigenous people in warm regions were mostly naked, because there was (otherwise) no reason for clothing...
2. Step:
Shame comes from - to be ashamed!
There is absolutely no reason to be ashamed of your own body! The way it is, it is right, whether crooked or straight, too small or too tall, too fat or too thin. Nudity helps to be more satisfied with one's body and thus with oneself. Even religious restrictions do not change this!
3. Step:
You must protect the children...
Children usually have no problems with their own nudity and with the nudity of adults. The shyness is only taught to them by the family and society! They deal with it (at first) completely naturally .
4. Step:
I can't "afford that"...
Nobody has to be ashamed of their appearance (see 2), – sure, aesthetics can be argued, but there is no standard for nudity and EVERYONE has the right to experience nature naturally!
If you look at it closely, then there is little to see "below" in half of humanity, but "everything" in the other half! So if you assume that there are about 8 billion people in the world, then half are female and the other half are male. Viewed from the back, they are all the same, so there are only 2 differences – that's ALL!
5. Step:
Naturists are normal people, neither weirdos nor eccentrics
There are already many millions going on nudist holidays, or at least spending some time naked on beaches and lakes! If you add those who visit saunas (if they are nude), this number increases considerably! Many of them have no problem with being naked in front of strangers, but within family or circle of friends it is often different, but especially here nudity should be what it is, namely just natural!
6. Step:
Textile-free healthier living
It's often funny to watch when people try to change their swimwear behind a towel. However, simply leaving the wet clothes on is not a good idea either, as this has often been the trigger for colds or even inflammations.
I just think it's a disgusting feeling when wet swimwear sticks to your skin! If you go swimming naked, you will therefore live healthier and feel better and even improve your mental health!
7. Step:
Enjoy sun and wind all over your body and a seamless tan
everyone should just try it out and experience what a great feeling of body and freedom it is to be naked in nature, to play with your child or others on the beach or elsewhere, to swim, go for a walk or even do sports together! There is no rational reason why some areas of the body should never get sun. Who hasn't looked at their great holiday tan in front of the mirror and realized, what does it look like ...!? Wear your seamless tan with pride and have no problem showing it off - because we are all just nature!
In the end, the only question left is how to change your "own opinion", the uneasy feeling or cramps in the pit of your stomach – I won’t do that or… you won’t do that or… I can’t do that, can I?!
Just try it out in a safe area, e.g. in the outdoor area of a sauna, at the lonely quarry pond, in a corner of the garden or balcony or even in a naturist club!
It takes some effort the first time, but believe me: It's worth it!
Set yourselves free by making yourselves "free"!
You have nothing to lose except your clothes :-)